How to download paid application in your mobile

Download paid application directly in mobile

Hey readers, This post is for android smartphone users only.everyone in this generation and above 16 is using android. In this android smartphone there is also a play-store present which helps us to directly install application which we want yo use. There are also some applications present in play-store which we want to install but couldn't because they are paid. So if we want to download these paid application we first need to search it on google then we will open a site which leads us to app and then to the server. As we know that this is very large and also uses so much time
                                              To solve this issue we will teach you a shortcut method to download paid application just with a click and more efficiently like play-store.

Steps to download paid applications directly:-

  1. first you need to search for Blackmart application in google then download it.(this step is main step)
  2. Now you need to install it in your android smartphone.
  3. After installation open blackmart and now from here you can download any application paid  or free easily. 
Note:-this post is for education purpose only.